International Relations Committee

The International Relations Committee of the Law School of Ribeirão Preto of USP is responsible, under FDRP scope, for coordinating international cooperation activities.


Its purpose is to advise the Board on relevant issues regarding the international relations of the School, to assist the director, the collegiate bodies and departments in the area of ​​international cooperation, coordinate the implementation of cooperation agreements, study and suggest measures aimed at improving cooperation the International School.


The International Relations Committee of FDRP consists of faculty representatives, the student representation and assistance of the International Office.


The International Relations Committee (CRInt) Ribeirão Preto School of Law of USP is responsible, under the FDRP, for coordinating international cooperation activities.


Its purpose is to advise the Board on relevant issues regarding the international relations of the School, to assist the dean, the collegiate bodies and departments in the area of ​​international cooperation, coordinate the implementation of cooperation agreements, study and suggest measures aimed at improving the international cooperation of the School.


The International Relations Committee of FDRP consists of faculty representatives, the student representation and assistance of the International Office.





Alessandro Hirata 08.04.2014 07.04.2016
Alternate: Caio Gracco Pinheiro Dias 08.04.2014 07.04.2016


Full members – Professors


Alessandro Hirata 08.04.2014 07.04.2016
Caio Gracco Pinheiro Dias 08.04.2014 07.04.2016
Paulo Eduardo Alves da Silva 08.04.2014 07.04.2016
Cristina Godoy Bernardo de Oliveira 08.04.2014 07.04.2016


Alternate members – Professors


Eduardo Saad Diniz 08.04.2014 07.04.2016
Camilo Zufelato 08.04.2014 07.04.2016


Undergraduate Students’ Representative


 Lya Doria Maeda 01.01.2015 31.12.2015
Alternate: Larissa Cristina Margarido 01.01.2015 31.12.2015


Graduate Students’ Representative


Roberto Tagliari Cestari 05.03.2015 04.03.2016
Alternate: Júlia Navarro Perioto 05.03.2015 04.03.2016

More Information

Rodrigo Brunelli Pirani Phone: +55 16 3315-0112 Email: