Specialization Courses

1. State your interest:


If you are interested in one of FDRP’s Specialization Courses, fill out the form “Cursos de Especialização (Cadastro de Interesse)” in the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/HG9YUesLN0OV9oH53


New information about admissions processes for future Specialization Courses in 2018 will be published in the FDRP website.


 2. Ongoing Courses


2.1) Managed by FDRP


  • Tax Law


Prof. Dr. Guilherme Adolfo dos Santos Mendes | Email: guilherme.adolfo@uol.com.br

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Naoki Nishioka |  Email: nishioka@usp.br


  • Labor Law


Prof. Dr. Jair Aparecido Cardoso | Email: jaircardoso@usp.br

Profa. Assoc. Maria Hemília Fonseca | Email: mariahemilia@usp.br


  • Economic Law


Profª Drª Juliana Oliveira Domingues | Email: julianadomingues@usp.br

Prof. Assoc. Gustavo Assed Ferreira | Email: gustavo.assed@usp.br


2.2) Managed by FADEP Foundation (an agreement for collaboration in administrative and financial management of Extension Courses offered by FDRP)


  • Civil Procedural Law


Prof. Dr. Camilo Zufelato | Email: camilo@usp.br

Prof. Dr. Fernando da Fonseca Gajardoni | Email: fernando.gajardoni@usp.br


  • Constitutional and Electoral Law


Prof. Assoc. Rubens Beçak | Email: prof.becak@usp.br

Profa. Dra. Cristina Godoy Bernardo de Oliveira | Email: cristinagodoy@usp.br


Felipe Augusto B M Costa

Phone: +55 16 3315-9128

Email: ccexfdrp@usp.br