Foreign Students

The Graduate Program is open to accepting foreign students through the Students’ Program – Postgraduate Covenant (PEC-PG/CNPq). Foreign candidates interested in applying for a scholarship through PEC-PG must send the documentation described below to for analysis and possible admission. After admission and the determination of the advisor, candidates must go through the selection criteria specific to PEC-PG, published every year by CNPq.


It is also possible to take part in the yearly admissions process for Brazilian students.


Necessary documentation:

  • Up-to-date CV
  • Research project
  • Undergraduate school history
  • Two recommendation letters by professors, researchers or people with recognized knowledge in the field
  • A list of four possible advisors in the Program, in order of priority, to be chosen from the list available here


Vania Prudencio
Phone: +55 16 3315-0145